South China Sea and Luzon Arc Geochemistry
Published: 17 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8bmkf5j92f.1
Reference data used for the fourth chapter of dissertation regarding the igneous basement and marine sediment of the South China Sea, the igneous material of Northern Luzon Island IAB, Luzon Strait, and reference materials from the Pacific, Philippine and other globally utilized standards.
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South China Sea Basalt samples provided from Expeditions 367 and 368, South China Sea Sediment samples provided from Expeditions 367 and 368, other database samples provided from EarthChem as part of the dissertation. Basalt and Sediment samples were performed at USF Geochemistry Lab using ICP-MS (HF-NO3) and ICP-OES (Lithium Metaborate flux fusion).
University of South Florida
Geochemistry, Igneous Geochemistry, Ocean Sediment, Geochemistry Method, Mantle Geochemistry