Waiting List for Elective Surgeries: 10 Years of Demand Predictions per Specialty and Region in Chile

Published: 18 January 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/fzkc96yxt6.1


The dataset presented in this repository was created using de-identified historical surgical data (2012-2021) from 10 regional health services in Chile. To request access to the historical information, follow this link: https://www.portaltransparencia.cl/PortalPdT/ Data: The dataset below covers the future predicted surgical demand (2022-2031) obtained through 100 ARIMA models considering the following specialties in each of the ten regions: Cardiology, head and neck, ear nose and throat, plastic surgery, gastroenterology, gynecology and obstetrics, neurology and neurosurgery, ophthalmology, traumatology, and urology and nephrology. Furthermore, three different demand scenarios are provided per region, specialty, and year. The scenarios are low, medium, and high demand, considering a 95% prediction interval. The attached data table (8x1001) has the following structure: Column 1 presents a numerical regional health service ID. Column 2 presents a numerical specialty ID. Column 3 presents the year of prediction. Column 4 presents the predicted medium demand scenario. Column 5 presents the predicted low-demand scenario. Column 6 presents the predicted high-demand scenario. Column 7 presents the regional health service name. Column 8 presents the specialty name. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the dataset.



Universidad de Chile, Universidad Adolfo Ibanez, University of South Florida


Surgery, Industrial Engineering, Public Health, Elective Surgical Procedure, Universal Health Care, Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average
